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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drawing Powder Personal Dusting Powder

In our economic time I've decided to seek out a few business spells that may assist us in our goals. I truly believe that we all make our own magick but adding a little help to the pot never hurt anything. Remember that intent is everything. The following spell was one collected by Judika Illes. I've used money baths in the past, and this one would be just an addition to the basil bath.

Drawing Powder Personal Dusting Powder

1. Blend powdered confectioner's sugar into cornstarch.
2. Lightly dust this on your body with a powder puff to magically attract personal attention-and open pockets.

For added enhancement you can sprinkle the powder with essential oil of basil before applying to the body.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Relationship Balance

One of the things that I think is difficult in any relationship is the idea of two persons being both an individual entity as well as a combined force of nature. There is a danger in this delicate balance of one partner in the relationship becoming completely absorbed by the other. I’m not speaking about the togetherness that occurs with parenting, or such parts of the relationship where a united front is appropriate. I am speaking about one partner losing their identity in the presence of another. There is danger of this in any sort of relationship be it platonic or romantic.

I’m not exactly sure when or where it begins in a relationship. Perhaps it starts when a partner wishes to please or even seek the approval of another partner or even surrounding persons to the relationship (i.e. friends, family, etc.). Slowly the partner begins to give up those things that have defined them to themselves. I am not speaking against transcending one’s own system, beliefs, or such as we find our goal in magick, occult work, and spiritual work (or one’s religion). I am speaking about the core of our identity that we may give up in order to seek the approval of those we are around. There is a large difference between transcending a particular ideology or set of beliefs (the ego) or such, and simply becoming the person or people we are around where our original character/soul/spirit or that name which you like to refer to your unique self is lost.

When in a relationship we must keep in mind that we are first individuals, partners second. It is not to say that these two cannot work in tandem, but we must remember that even in tandem there is a balance to be kept. We must allow our partner to be who they are whilst working together. Though we may be very comfortable with our way of doing things, thinking, and so forth we must have enough allowance for our partner in the relationship to have the same. As I said, balance. I think one of the best ways we can accomplish this is through open and honest communication. It calls for the openness of both partners (regardless of the type of relationship) to be open and honest about their thoughts, and also be open to listening and hearing what their partner in the relationship is sharing.

Once we have communicated our thoughts the next part of developing balance I think can be one of the most difficult. We now have to accept our partner’s individuality. It seems as if it this would be common place, and extremely simplistic in nature but even I find that it can be one of the most difficult parts of a relationship. Regardless of the relationship be it fraternal, platonic, or romantic there is a period of newness that clouds a great many things about our partner. Perhaps we over look things that we find cause us awkwardness or unsettled feelings because we are caught in the excitement of the new relationship. However, over time, these facets of our partner’s individuality can begin to seep in and at times instead of acceptance it is met with resistance. We may find we try to change our partner in the relationship. We may find we begin to change ourselves to suit the other’s individuality. Again, this is why balance is so important. We must be willing to accept those qualities that make our partner unique, who they are, just as we would wish them to accept us in all of our unique qualities. We will find that when we begin to accept these unique qualities our relationship begins to blossom with fragrance, rather than wither.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring/Autumnal Equinox

Blessed Spring Equinox to my Northern brothers and sisters. Blessed Autumnal Equinox to my Southern brothers and sisters.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Do not think we're all so different. We're alike in that we are all sentient beings. Solidarity!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Merlin Stone

I'm a bit late on this one but Merlin Stone sadly left this mortal journey on February 23 of this year.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How we speak to others...

We've all experienced this scenario: We spend hours doing a project or home make over (cleaning, etc) to have the significant other make a George Bailey comment, "Why do we live in this drafty old house anyway". It can be hurtful no doubt. However, if we play quiet the other may not know their behavior is upsetting. Sometimes it can be difficult to express during the moment, but find a quiet time to explain to your partner how you felt during the moment. If you are "George" genuinely listen and be open to your partner's needs.

First Official Women's History Month (March 2011)

As many read in yesterday's news President Obama has declared that March 2011 will mark the first official Women's History Month with the International Women's Day being celebrated on March 8.

In honor of the first official Women's History Month I invite each of you to share stories of the women who have been influential in your life.