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Friday, January 28, 2011

Card 19-The Sun

The Sun represents Gnosis. It represents the knowledge from the divine learned through experience. It is the god Ra, Helios, Shammash, and Apollo. It is the fire of earth. It is the transformative power of the magician on his path to enlightenment.

The Sun falls on the pathway between Hod (Splendour) and Yesod (Foundation) on the Tree of Life. The seeds sown in the foundation are starting to come to light, and begin to bloom. The magician at this stage is coming into an intellectual understanding of the divine mysteries. It is important to understand that the Sun is not the true Sun, it is but a candle in the Sun. The true Sun is shining directly from Tipareth into Hod and is refracted along the pathway from Hod into Yesod.

When the Sun is drawn by itself or in a tarot spread it represents the unrealized magician who is still young in his or her training in a manner of speaking, they're just now starting to turn towards to the Sun as it were. This is the significance of the sunflowers typically found on the Sun card as they are flowers that always face the sun. That which has been germinating in darkness is starting to come to light. In the positive it represents a new idea/invention. It may represent good health. It may also tell of an abundance of energy to come. In the negative it could represent failure. It could represent a misguided attempt or misjudgment about the question at hand. It is the danger of thinking that you understand what is going on but yet you don't quite know everything yet, and so you could be led astray from the Great Work.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Card 18-The Moon

The Moon represents the intuition, dreams, emotional, and psychic aspects of our lives. It is the aspects of womanhood. It is the Goddess Artemis and Hecate. The Moon is also deeply connected with water and thus has the attributes also of the God Poseidon and Khepera. Think of the effects the moon has on the tides of earth and you have a good visual representation of what the Moon of the tarot has in store for the Querent.

The Moon is found on the path between Netsach (Victory) and Malkuth (The Kingdom) on the Tree of Life. This placement is a lesser reflection of the moon as Yesod is the actual sphere of Luna. As we are just passing through the Moon there is a danger of being led astray by astral images and mistaking those for the real thing.

When the Moon is drawn by itself or in a reading it symbolizes a great many things that all deal with the ethereal plane, or the plane at least not seen in the material world. In the positive it often symbolizes work that is done in the creative field or the field of creation. It may represent dreams, intuition, and even psychic work for the Querent. In the negative it may represent illusion or deception. It may also represent an inability in the Querent to distinguish truth from illusion, or perhaps an inability to deal well with reality.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Card 17-The Star

The Star represents the beacon of light present or about to become present in your life that inspires a change in consciousness or change in spiritual awareness. It is the guiding light that leads one to the truth. It is the fountain of youth that leads one to enlightenment. It is like Athena or Juno.

The Star falls on the path between Netsach (Victory) and Yesod (Foundation) on the Tree of Life. Its placement is in the astral triangle and in this we are reminded that it is not the stars, the moon, or even the heavens we seek. What we are seeking is the True Light, the source of the Light. As Crowley once , every man and every woman is a star. We are but beacons of light reflecting the light of the Divine source.

If the Star is drawn by itself or in a tarot reading it represents in the positive a chance in mental, spiritual, and even physical understanding. We find hope and inspiration. We gain confidence in the situation at hand. In the negative it can represent self-doubt and a lack of trust in others. It may represent that the Querent is stubborn and unwilling to move forward perhaps even ready to fall to earth. Much does depend upon surrounding cards but we are reminded in both to keep in mind the true Light and that we too will shine with the light once that path is accepted.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Card 16-The Tower

The Tower is symbol of change, disruption, and essentially a tearing down of the old way of life. Just looking at the imagery of the Tower it is generally depicted as falling down, or on fire. The Tower is something that is widespread, the shaking of the foundation so to speak. It is like the tower of Babel struck down by the heavens with fire. It is like the god Horus, Ares, or Mars. It is like Odin who hangs on Yggdrasil to gain knowledge.

The Tower makes up the top part of the Astral triangle on the Tree of Life. It falls on the path between Hod (Splendour) and Netsach (Victory). The position between Hod and Netsach represents the tearing down of illusions. It represents the imperfect ego that needs to be tore down in order to pass through the veil to reach the Divine.

When the Tower is drawn by itself or in a spread it represents change at its most chaotic and destructive. In the positive it represents a change or an overthrow of the current life. It can also mean the uprooting of old paradigms and giving up those illusions that we have been carrying around like a security blanket. In the negative it may relate to our tower that we've built suddenly crashing around us. It is one of those cards that regardless of the position (positive or negative) indicates a sudden change and one that is turbulent. Either way the card is positioned we have choices. We can sit around and wallow in self-pity or we can be resilient and adapt to the changes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Card 15-The Devil

The Devil is one of the cards in the tarot deck that for most will lead to the conjuration of pictures of the evil devil with the pitch fork. It seems to be the card of choice in almost all “B” grade horror flicks that the gypsy will lay down as a terrible omen to the poor man about to become a werewolf. There is some underlying truth to that depiction, as the card does represent the earth based matters but it is not always a bad omen. It is the god Pan. It is the god Priapus. It is the god Bacchus. All three gods of bounty and reproductive natures. The Devil is a card that represents the true force of nature. In that though do not be misled to think that this card is without its warning. Pan was quite infamous into tricking young maids to frolic with him thus giving up their maiden heads so to speak in one lust filled afternoon.

The Devil is on the path between Tipareth (Beauty) and Hod (Splendour) on the Tree of Life. It is recognizing true beauty instead of being trapped by earthly splendour. It is mastering our own passions instead of being led by those passions.

If the Devil is drawn by itself or in a spread it represents the aspects of earth or this realm. It represents the instincts or basic forces of nature. In the positive this card reflects a desire for material things. It reflects the Querent's understanding of their own needs or wants, and their power to obtain them. In the negative it represents an abuse of power, perhaps even corruption. It represents that the Querent in the given situation has become very self centered and is acting against even nature herself. It could very well be that the Querent is trapped by an illusion or living an illusion.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Card 14-Temperance

Temperance is just what it states, the ability to cooperate and coordinate and balance. It is the well balanced outlook on the journey of life. It is the god Apollo or goddess Artemis as the hunter. It is like Ares as the Rainbow. It is the calm after the storm when all is balanced as it should be.

Temperance falls on the path way between Tipareth (Beauty) and Yesod (Foundation) on the Tree of Life. It is this relation between Tipareth and Yesod that we can look at Temperance as being the blending of the beginning and the end of all that is beauty. It is foundation leading to beauty or supporting beauty. Yesod is often said to be the seat of the soul. It is the moon reflected in the water. In the silence of stillness are the workings of God revealed. Only when the waters of the mind and soul are still do we see the clear reflection of the heavens revealed there in.

If one draws Temperance in their spread or on its own it can symbolize that the situation requires a well balanced outlook, and that the Querent should have the ability to adapt to any circumstance of the situation at hand. It calls for innovation as well as good management of those resources surrounding the situation at hand. In the negative this card could reveal that the Querent has used poor judgment and thus this situation exists. It is possible that it is showing that the Querent is simply involved in too many activities as a superficial level and that scaling down is needed so that the Querent can focus more in-depth on one subject/area and become proficient at it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Card 13-Death

Death is often misunderstood and is often misinterpreted when read, but it is a quite interesting card in the tarot deck. Death represents true victory. Is the God Ares or Mars. It is Khephra the god of light in the darkness.

Death lays on the path between Netsach (Victory) and Tipareth (Beauty) on the Tree of Life. It is in the path working of true victory. Victory that becomes beautiful or is beautiful because of the way in which it is obtained. As beauty lays in the middle pillar it is Death that helps us to move from a purely right pillar path to the middle pillar of balance.

When Death is drawn by itself or in a spread in a tarot reading it symbolizes change through a transformation. This transformation may be in your spiritual life, physical, or even your emotional/mental life. Of course if in a full spread Death's meaning would be dependent upon the surrounding cards. In the positive this change is akin to the metamorphosis of a butterfly. It is long, sometimes exhausting process but the result is beautiful just like the emerging butterfly. In the negative it is a card that symbolizes something that may be taken away that should have been voluntarily given up. It represents a refusal to change or a change that is thrust upon you.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Card 12-The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is often misinterpreted and seen as a bad omen. It is under the sign of water, presided over by the water Gods such as Poseidon/Neptune. It is a sign that means change or activity and calls for flexibility. It is the old Mr. Lee saying, “Be water my friend”.

The Hanged Man on the Tree of Life is located on the path between Hod (Splendour) and Geburah (Severity). It is on the pillar of Severity, the left hand pillar of the tree. In this placement The Hanged man represents the self-sacrifice for the greater good. It is the myth of the pelican who pierces its own breast to feed its young. Furthermore it is every slain god who dies to bring life and love and light to the world.

If the Hanged Man is drawn in a reading or by itself is symbolizes a still in the water. In the positive it may represent your willingness to adapt or be flexible and to sacrifice in a current situation. If it is in the negative it may mean that you may have been inflexible and stubborn and unwilling to sacrifice and that has resulted in a poor outcome. If the situation is a negative the Hanged Man reminds that we did it to ourselves by our own actions. As the old saying goes “selfless services is its own reward”, which is why in its negative position it can mean being trapped in your own web of lies and deception.

Card 11-Justice

Justice represents justice through truth and balance. It is like Maat or Themis who are over judgment, truth, and balance. It is akin to the way justice is depicted in American legal systems with scales, sword, and a blindfold. It is impartial, always truthful, and blind to deceit.

On the Tree of Life Justice sits on the path between Tipareth (Beauty) and Geburah (Severity). We could say that it is severity balanced by beauty. Justice along with Strength, and The Hermit forms the ethical triangle.

When one draws Justice in a tarot reading it symbolizes a legal matter though this matter is dependent upon the surrounding cards. This may be a legal matter as in the typical, but it may also be a signing of agreements where purchases are concerned, organizations, schooling, or even spiritual institutions are concerned. The negative could mean perhaps an injustice in your path or the matter at hand. Again it does depend greatly upon the surrounding cards. The lesson of Justice is to temper justice with compassion.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Card 10-The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune represents change in one direction or the other in reference to the fortune cycle on the wheel itself. It is like Njord who was guardian of the wealth, or Zeus who was a bringer of good fortune, and even in one tale changed into a shower of gold in order to enter and bless a woman with fruit. It is representative of journey as a whole as well as solitary journey from one to the other.

The Wheel of Fortune resides on the path between Netsach (Victory) and Chesed (Mercy). It is representative of Victory tempered by Mercy. It is the path between the astral triangle and ethical triangle, which places it as a way for the journey to continue on the right hand pillar (mercy) from the world of Malkuth (earth).

In a reading when the Wheel of Fortune is drawn it can be symbolic of a movement from being without to being with something. This may come in the form of literal financial riches, but it may also reflect the spiritual riches/wealth. In the negative this card is a warning that a change may be coming from being with to being without. It should be noted that the Wheel of Fortune is a very difficult card to read simply by itself as there are too many factors involved. The future is never certain, never solid, so the interpretation is not a definite. Change is always difficult to read. It would depend upon the person involved, the question at hand, the surrounding cards, as well as the person's own choices even after the reading. The Wheel of Fortune can be likened to one coming to a cross-road. One path is right and one is wrong, and the choice is for the person to decide. No one can chose the right path for them. One can only be certain of one thing when the Wheel of Fortune appears, change is coming in one form or the other.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Card 9-The Hermit

The Hermit represents reflection and solitude. It is the monk who retreats away from society. It is the wise shaman who is found only in the hidden caves of a mountain side. It is the priest who takes sabbatical away from society in a vow of silence. It is the mountain yogi. It is mercy reflecting on beauty.

The Hermit resides on the path between Chesed (Mercy) and Tipareth (Beauty) on the Tree of Life. The Hermit has had the vision of the Beauty of things and finds himself being drawn toward Mercy. He begins to retreat from the material world to reflect upon beauty, thus growing closer to the Divine beauty of life.

If the Hermit is drawn by itself or in a spread (though it depends upon the surrounding cards) in the positive aspect it is an indication that a time for solace or reflection is needed. It is a time to pull away from your material world and reflect upon your life in the spiritual world or spiritual sense. Depending upon the question asked it could mean that counsel is needed in the question at hand. In the negative aspect it could mean that you have refused sage advice or counsel. It could mean that you are clinging to your own bad habits or things that are unproductive in your life that others have pointed out to you as being harmful to yourself. It could also mean that you are harboring unfounded thoughts about another and need to reflect upon the basis of those thoughts. In the entirety the Hermit in your spread means the lessons you need to learn or are learning are that of the Hermit in all his attributes. It is a time to reflect in the quiet of the moment and a time of introspection.

Card 8-Strength

Strength is as it says a card representing strength. However, it is also a card that is more in-depth then just the appearance of physical strength. It is strength of character as well. It is the control of passion as well as mental and emotional forces. It is a card that also represents courage. It is the same as Ra Hoor Kruit god of the Sun, or Demeter and Venus. It is embodiment of all that is Leo in balance.

Strength is found on the Tree of Life between Geburah (Severity) and Chesed (Mercy). Strength forms a part of the Ethical triangle in this relationship. If we look at this pathway it is strength or severity tempered by mercy. If you have too much strength you are cruel, and if you have too much mercy you are weak. Strength then as the tarot is a symbol of true strength, not just a symbol of might.

When Strength is drawn by itself or in a spread (though as mentioned in previous discussions it does depend greatly upon surrounding cards) it can be seen in several ways. It can be viewed in the positive that you have learned to temper your strength with mercy in a given area of your life. It may represent that you have increased courage surrounding the question at hand. However, it very well might mean in the negative that you have too much mercy (weakness) or too much strength (cruelty) in a given situation. You may also have a lack of self-discipline and perhaps have become impulsive. It is a card that if drawn one should be reflective upon and take inventory of the current situation.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Card 7-The Chariot

The Chariot represents strength, will-power, self control, and balance. It represents understanding with the temperance of severity. It is like Thor going across the skies. It is like Mercury returning the messages to the Gods. It is like Ra ruling with power but with understanding. The Chariot is representative of the true understanding of true power.

The Chariot resides on the pathway between Binah (Understanding) and Geburah (Severity) on the Tree of Life. The location of the Chariot on the Left Hand Pillar which is the severity path is part of the reason for the Chariot's attributes. As with previous path work we can see that as one moves closer to the Divine in an upward direction we have positive attributes. If we move downward away from the Divine toward materialism we have negative attributes. In terms of the Chariot the closer we move toward the Divine toward the sphere of Binah we will have a leader who understands the power he possess. If we have more movement toward the material world we have a leader who has an excess of strength and hence cruel. In my personal view it goes right along with the saying “With great power comes great responsibility”. The chariot is also the center of stillness in the midst of movement.

When the Chariot is drawn by itself or in a spread (though it does depend greatly upon surrounding cards in the spread) it is a sign that there is a success that is the result of your own hard work. It could mean the mastery of one's life, or the mastery of self control or will-power. It could also be externalized to situations surrounding these attributes. In the negative it could mean that you have an imbalance in your life. It could mean that you are limiting yourself by traditions that are no longer relevant. It would be a time for self reflection as to your own character, how you are handling yourself despite the external forces at work in your life. Remember that if we simply look at the Chariot as a vehicle it was one that could not just be driven recklessly. It took a tremendous amount of strength to control the vehicle, as well as a tremendous amount of self-control. One could not simply go speeding around the streets so to speak. One could also not load one's chariot up with everything under the sun as the chariot would easily become unbalanced. In this sense, this card speaks to us about using discernment, carrying just what we need in life, and being responsible with what we do carry.

Card 6-The Lovers

The Lovers represents the blending of masculine and feminine energies. It represents the harmony of beauty and understanding. It is the understanding of beauty in the higher sense of beauty, not of the earthly beauty. It is the spiritual beauty of the higher self that is realized through understanding.

The Lovers is on the pathway between Tipareth (Beauty) and Binah (Understanding) on the Tree of Life. It is this position that further clarifies the meaning of The Lovers in that though they are connected to Tipareth (Beauty) a more connected “earthly” sphere, they are connected to Binah (Understanding) which is directly connected to the Crown. This connection places the emphasis on the higher self and its recognition of spiritual beauty. It is not to say that earthly beauty is not recognized or even enjoyed, it is to say that the Lovers represent the seeking of or understanding of a spiritual beauty, and not carnal indulgence. The pathway between Tipareth and Binah is always two directional. The Lovers on this pathway can represent the journey towards or away from understanding through beauty.

If the Lovers is drawn by itself or in a spread (though in a spread the meaning would depend greatly on the surrounding cards) it generally represents the influence of this higher self and understanding on your life. It is the guide that your choices in life should be made from the higher self or the spiritual self rather than from your more earthly self or intellectual self. It may represent the need for harmony in your life, for the balance of the earthly with the spiritual. Though it could potentially signify an “actual” person it is wise to not mistake this card for the “perfect mate”. It does not necessarily symbolize an actual romantic partnership. It may simply be a person that comes into your life for the purpose of helping you to find that balance between Binah and Tipareth. In the negative the Lovers can represent being drawn toward earthly beauty and worldly pleasures at the expense of the spiritual.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Card 5-The High Priest/Hierophant

The High Priest (Hierophant) represents the God on earth. He is the Old Horus, or the Old Arthur. As the Emperor is the judge in the stern sense, the High Priest is a judge in the severe sense. His law is will and there are no second chances with the High Priest.

The High Priest is located between the spheres of Chokmah (Wisdom) and Chesed (Mercy). His wisdom is self learned, and though he connects mercy to wisdom, his attitude is bullish and stubborn. His decision is law. He is the letter of the law, where as the Emperor is the spirit of the law. Where as the Emperor's decisions were just, the High Priest's decisions are purely his way or the highway.

When the High Priest is drawn by itself or within a spread he is advising that strict adherence to rules is necessary. He may be foreshadowing a possible legal agreement or contract where you may want to read the fine print before you sign. He could possibly be relating spiritual rules/adherence but because of where he sits on the paths of the Tree of Life the interpretation relates more to matters on earth or in the physical realm rather than the spiritual realm.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Card 4-The Emperor

The Emperor represents leadership, power, and authority. He is Jehovah. He is the judge among men as well as spiritual. He is like Anubis handing down judgment after the soul is weighed by Ma'at. He is not without wisdom and compassion but he is a stern judge.

The Emperor is found between Chokmah (Wisdom) and Tipareth (Beauty) on the Tree of Life. He obtains all of his knowledge through wisdom, but it is tempered by beauty.

When the Emperor is drawn by itself it is telling us that there may be a situation that is coming down the road that will need dealing with by a sort of judge. This may be any authoritative figure in your life at the time, perhaps a boss, a teacher, a parent, a law enforcement/judge, or a mentor. This may not necessarily mean the person is male, but it does dictate that it is someone with that masculine energy or in that position of masculine energy. As with all tarot the meaning will depend greatly upon surrounding cards but one should pay close attention if the Emperor appears in your spread.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Card 3-The Empress

The Empress represents the Goddess on Earth. She represents the Goddess's creative forces as it directly relates to her Earth. A relevant Goddess comparison would be Demeter in all of her connections to the earth. She is the teacher and the counselor. She is the earthly Queen of Heaven. She cares for all who are under her protection and watch.

The Empress herself is between Binah (Understanding) and Chokmah (Wisdom) on the Tree of Life. She is positioned through D'Aath (Knowledge) in the position of lying on her back between the two spheres, hence part of why we relate creation to her. She is the pinnacle of balance between being understanding of life as well as possessing the wisdom to know how to use the knowledge she acquires. Where as the High Priestess receives her knowledge directly from the Divine (through the Crown), the Empress receives hers knowledge as she passes through the path of the High Priestess (D'Aath-knowledge). A real world example of this type of being would be Elizabeth I of England (1533-1603).

When the Empress is drawn by itself she represents creation. These creations may come in many forms, and are with ease. They are often viewed as blessings, gifts from the Goddess so to speak. Again it depends upon the surrounding cards as to the full meaning to the question being asked. It may mean a new creation or blessing in the area of spirituality, work/career, or hobby/sport. It may also relate to a monetary blessing or creation.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Card 2-The High Priestess

The High Priestess is a card of mystery. She represents the feminine mysteries, and is in her right the Great Goddess. She is the bearer of the Grail. She is the Lady in the Lake. She is the keeper of the veiled knowledge. In the progression of the cards she is the magician realized. She knows that she is responsible for all magick that she does.

When we view the High Priestess by herself in the drawing of the Tarot we are being given the guidance as it relates to our intuition, and our own connection to the mystery studies. We are also gently being reminded that our life should be balanced. The High Priestess is located between Keter (The Crown) and Tiperath (Beauty) on the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life. She in a sense is the embodiment of the true balance of Mercy and Severity (Might). Though, as we can see her pathway is a downward movement from Keter to Beauty so her knowledge (D'aath) is hidden or mysterious and comes from the Divine. She is reminding us that all things must be lived in balance, but she is also teaching us to be open to those mysteries and to trust our knowledge that may come through dreams, astral travel, or deep meditations.

In application to the world outside of the ethereal plane the High Priestess is guiding us that we cannot be one extreme or the other. It is like parenting. A parent cannot be completely authoritative allowing his child to do nothing, but he can also not be so relaxed that he permits his child to do everything. It is reminiscent of the old teaching “everything in moderation”. So if this card is drawn one may need to take stock of their life and find out if there are any areas that are in need of balance.

In relationship to the ethereal plane this card is guiding us to use our gut instinct. In any given situation that one experiences in life one may get that sixth sense about it. The High Priestess guides us and encourages us to use that sense. We are all capable of tapping into that hidden sphere of knowledge to find our answers to the current situation at hand.

As with any reading the guidance depends greatly upon the surrounding cards, and the application of said card would depend upon the question asked.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Card 1-The Magician

The Magician is an interesting card as it is the first, in progression, where the Fool begins to use his knowledge in alchemical processes. The Magician represents the aspirations of the Adept but he is still working with worldly elements to get what he wants. Though no card is bad or good, it just is what it is, there are warnings with each card that are there to provide us with the guidance we seek from the cards.

When we see the Magician in a spread either by itself (as we draw one card) or in a spread where by which we seek the cards around the Magician for further clarification it generally is showing us that we are in a sense discovering magick be it will power, faith in prayer, or actual ritual magick to obtain the goals we want in life. As the Fool was located between Keter and Chokmak, the Magician is located between Keter and Binah. Binah on the Tree of Life is Understanding. So the Magician represents our ability to take that knowledge we were exposed to in the Fool and making meaning of it.

This is the point at which the warning label clearly flashes the yellow light in our direction. We can think of this two fold. The wise magician takes their time learning their new skills and using them appropriately. A seasoned Magician such as Gandalf or an older Meryln would come to mind when using magick appropriately. The brash magician, or hence apprentice such as in the Sorcerer's Apprentice where when left alone in the Magician's parlor creates massive chaos that he cannot control is the warning to use self-control. Knowing when to use magick and when not to use magick is key. We may wish for that new job, but knowing just how quickly to proceed is wise. One would not just quit his current job without having another one lined up if one had a family to take care. The wise magician understands the consequences of his actions be they good or bad.

The Magician like any card does depend greatly upon what the surrounding cards in the spread may be, as well as the question posed, but it is a card of self-control and study. It is the card of understanding, and not just a “I read the label”, but an in-depth understanding of knowing something inside and out before one uses it. It is the card of knowing when to use one's magick/skills and when to use another means to accomplish the goal.

The Magician represents obtaining knowledge through work/study where as the Fool represents obtaining knowledge directly from the Divine or through Divine inspiration. We can compare the two by looking at the Fool (or Divine Fool) as the Mystic, where as the the Magician is the Magus. When the Magician is pulled we can expect that we will have to work and study for our creations, they will not simply be revealed through Divine contact. We can expect that regardless the question at hand that we ourselves will create our outcome.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Card 0-The Fool

To me the Fool represents the start of the spiritual/magical journey. Yet, in another breath it is the connection between Wisdom (Chokmah) and the Crown (Keter) where we are already at the end. At the start of our spiritual/magickal journey we are closest to enlightenment, to spiritual awakening and yet we do not know this because of our innocence on the path. It is said that children are in this state of being on a daily basis, and perhaps that is why so many spiritual teachers in the past have used the statements of being child like in their writings and talks.

In modern day definition a fool is typically defined as a stupid person or an idiotic person. It is defined as a person who may be weak-minded or lacks judgment. It is an unfair definition that has come upon mankind in general society and may in itself be a definition that lacks judgment. For the Fool in the Tarot and spiritual world is not stupid, nor is he idiotic. Though, as he is at the start of his journey he very well may be mislead by those around him, or not have enough experience to make the best choices.

In a reading the cards all depend upon the cards around them but we can look at each one individually to understand the cards around them, as well as the card by itself. The Fool represents the start of a new journey, this could relate to your spiritual walk, lifestyle, career, or any host of “new journeys” in one's life. The Fool is always eager to begin, to dive right in so to speak and this is always a positive. It reminds us to stay open to the opportunities that life presents us. However, it also is a cautionary card because as mentioned the Fool lacks the experience of life and education. He may lack the necessary discernment needed that perhaps someone who is an adept would already posses. Keep in mind though that the Fool on the Tree of Life is located between Keter and Chokmah so it is the connection between The Crown (just below the three spheres of negative existence) and Wisdom. The Fool must trust his inner connection to the these two facets, to the Divine, to his own Divinity when making these choices. It is a card that is telling us to bravely step forward but be always aware and mindful of one's surroundings.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Would you, my readers, like a series on the Major Arcana?

I would like to know if my readers would benefit from a series of discussions on the Major Arcana as I view them? That is not to say there is a "right" way, this would simply be my take on each card. : ) Let me know.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! 2011

Dear Readers-

I just want to wish all of you a very blessed New Year. I hope that all of your desires are fulfilled and your needs met. I wish you a prosperous new year.
